Upon Korea’s independence from Japan, the company was the first food company to be founded by our own capital and efforts. Although the country was extremely impoverished socially and financially after independence, Haitai strived to diversify the product line and improve product quality.  Thus, Haitai was acknowledged for its quality in 1947 at the Domestic Product Exhibition when it received the “Good Product Award” for “Wafers” and “Jelly”. 
In 1959, after years of product development, Haitai started manufacturing “Supermint”, Korea’s first gum. In the 1960s, the company completed a 14,000 sq. meter factory site at Yangpyung-dong, Youngdunpo-gu. About 30 type of products were produced at this time including candy, gum, biscuit, and bread.

In the 1970s, the company started producing and selling ice cream with “Bravo Cone”.
With the completion of the Chonan, Kwangju and other large factories in the 1980s and 90s, the company strengthened its production capacity.

Having undergone the tumult of the financial crisis in the late 1990s, Haitai Confectionery went bankrupt in 1997.

Haitai has been diligently working to recover from this past financial crisis and revive the value of the Haitai brand. 

In the 2000s, Haitai has and is continuing to attract foreign investments such as: CVC Capital, J.P Morgan and UBS Capital. With patience and hard work, Haitai has been revitalized with great financial stability continue to be a leading food snack company with a stable annual revenue.

Thus, Haitai can proudly be declared as one of the best food snack companies of Northeast Asia.